Презентация по английскому языку на тему "спорт в нашей жизни". Презентация по английскому языку на тему "спорт в нашей жизни" Презентация по английскому языку на тему sport

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6 классе.

Тема :Sport. Спорт

Цель урока:

Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме «Спорт».


Тренировать и закреплять в речи учащихся лексические единицы по теме;

Познакомить учащихся с экстремальными видами спорта;

Формировать речевые навыки, обеспечивающие познавательно-коммуникативные потребности учащихся;

Использовать новые слова по теме в устной речирасширять словарный запасучащихся.


Развивать языковые способности и устойчивый интерес к изучению английского языка;

Расширять кругозор обучающихся при помощи мультимедийных средств, информации из Интернета;

Развивать практические умения работе в группе.

Воспитательные :

Способствовать воспитанию толерантного отношения к спорту,

Способствовать воспитанию сотрудничества при коллективной работе;

Способствовать обогащению внутреннего мира учащихся.

Ход урока

1. Greeting

Teacher: Hello, dear children. I’m very glad to see you. How are you?

Children: I’m fine, thank you.

Teacher: Today we wil have an interesting lesson.. (слайд№1)

And now,look at the blackboard. Name these sports and games. (слайд№2)

Now think and answer: what is this lesson about? What is the theme? (Ответыучащихся).

You are right. We continue our work at the theme “Sport”. Today we’ll revise the material of previous lessons, speak about sport in your life and find out new information.

Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: “A sound mind is in a sound body.” Millions of people who go in for sports know from their own experience that this famous saying is true.

At the same time a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Some of them realize that sport is useful but prefer watching sport on TV to going in for it themselves.

Now I’d like to ask you some questions about sport and sport activities.(слайд№3) (Индивидуальныеответыучащихся).

Now we are going to speak about the most important sport event – the Olympic Games. This event is extremely popular in the world.

Do you know where were winter Olympic Games?

(in Sochi) слайд 4

Now, what winter sports do you know?

Ответы учащихся




horse racing


Ice skating





Please,name kind of sports which are including in Olympic Games.

Ответы учащихся.

Now,let’s do exercise. I will give you cards with two parts of words,you must match these parts.


Now please sit back on your chair
Stretch your neck
Brush your hair
Straighten your shoulders
Look everywhere.

Ok,now I want you to make sentences about sports слайд 6

The most popular outdoor winter sports are skating, skiing, hockey, hunting

There are new winter sports such as snowboarding.

Many people prefer to do sports in summer.

Football is the most popular game in the world.

Some people go in for such sports as wrestling, gymnastics, boxing, arm-wrestling and others.

People all over the world are very fond of sports and games

Ok,very good, now, let’s have a rest and play the game”Guess”

I will speak about kind of sport you must guess, translate the sentence and act it.


These people push a special sledge called a bobsleigh down an icy chute as fast as they can.

They then quickly jump in and steer it to the finish.

In curling, one person slides a heavy stone along some ice and tries to hit a target. Two team-mates sweep the ice around the stone to help it move.

Figure skaters dance on an ice rink to music. They wear special boots called skates. Their skates help them jump and spin on the ice.

Skiers race down steep, snowy hills.

They wear special boots fixed to long skis to help them whiz down. They hold ski poles to help them balance.

1. This game is a field game. There are 11 players on each team. They play with a round while and black ball. (Football)

2. This game is outdoor game. It is played on a lawn. (Lawn – tennis)

3. This game is outdoor game between 2 teams of 11 players. It is a very long game. (Cricket)

4. It is played on a court. There are 5 players on each team. They try to shoot the ball into the hoop. (Basketball)

5. It is the oldest sport existed even in Saxon times. It is very popular in many countries. (Boxing)

Now I ask you to take mark list .возьмите оценочные листы и оцените свою работу на уроке от 1-5 .

Our lesson is over,thank you.bye.

Лист самооценки

Description of achievement


I can read and understand the information about

I can listen and understand the information about

Я могу слушать и понимать информацию

Я могу писать

I can speak about

Я могу говорить

I can ask and answer the questions about

Я могу задавать вопросы и отвечать

Разделы: Иностранные языки

В комплекс образовательных, воспитательных и развивающих задач входит развитие навыков языковой компетенции, устной речи по теме, знакомство с иноязычной культурой через межкультурный компонент, воспитание уважения к своей родине и ее культуре, а также к культуре других народов.

Урок имеет целью активизировать навыки устной речи через мотивирующее поисковое чтение.

Урок может проходить в классе, где учащиеся имеют хорошие знания по предмету, хотя, как и везде, в процессе говорения возникают небольшие проблемы с грамматическим аспектом языка. Исходя из уровня обученности учащихся, были выбраны необходимые приемы и методы для реализации целей и задач урока.

Организационный момент урока должен проходить быстро и активно, что характерно для детей, которые всегда готовятся к уроку. Использовался прием учебного разговора в режиме «учитель-ученик», что позволяет настроить учащихся на предстоящее общение в разных видах речевой деятельности. Я считаю, что на этом этапе урока довольно успешно можно использовать технологию фронтальной работы.

Плавный переход к поисковому чтению являлся естественным. Учащимся предлагается аутентичная статья из Олимпийского интернет-сайта. В качестве коммуникативного задания учащихся просят найти информацию о проблемах, существующих в олимпийском движении и причинах, приведших к ним.

Целью этого этапа является не только контроль понимания прочитанного текста, но и побуждение учащихся к говорению по проблеме.

Вся предварительная языковая работа на уроке проводится для подготовки учащихся к основному этапу урока – говорению в рамках творческого проектирования. Учащиеся уже будут эмоционально к нему подготовлены предыдущими этапами урока. Ни один из методов положительной мотивации учащихся не является более эффективным, чем творческое проектирование. Здесь полностью реализовываются принципы личностно-ориентированного обучения, когда каждый ребёнок может выразить своё мнение по проблеме, то, как он её видит, ощущает и предложить пути её решения.

Свое участие в обсуждении проектов учитель может считать обоснованным, так как в данном случае учитель является своего рода «регулировщиком» так называемого потока сознания и в данной ситуации может ненавязчиво (латентно) руководить процессом обучения. Цель проблемной дискуссии – побудить учащихся к продуктивной речи. Учащимся даются ориентиры в виде плана-аутлайна (это критерии отбора видов спорта для олимпийской программы), позволяющего держаться в рамках заданного тематического режима. Групповая работа особенно мотивирует учащихся на речевую деятельность. А работа в группах сменного состава ведет учащихся к самомотивации, к стремлению утвердить себя с одной стороны, и желанию не подвести членов своего временного коллектива в совместной творческой работе для достижения главной цели- выполнения задания с другой.

Во время речевого процесса учащиеся могут допускать небольшие фонетические ошибки, которые я считаю допустимыми при креативном мышлении на иностранном языке.

Домашнее задание и подведение итогов урока является естественным логическим выходом из дискуссии по проектам. Учащиеся продолжат работу над темой дома при написании креативного письма и на следующем уроке.

На уроке используются все виды речевой деятельности, что подвигает учащихся к достижению основной цели обучения: пользованию иностранным языком как инструментом общения.

Цели урока: активизация навыков устной речи посредством мотивации через чтение с поиском информации.

Задачи урока: учить детей составлять высказывание в заданном опорном режиме на основе тематической лексики.

Ход урока

1. Приветствие. (1 мин.)

Hello, boys and girls! Please, take your seats! Nice to meet you on the first day of spring. I think it’s a hint. Spring is time that gives birth to everything new. I do hope that by the end of the lesson we’ll make friends.

2. Warm up. (6 мин.)

On your desks you have flash signals . Please choose and show me the one that best describes your mood and feelings at the moment.

(Variants to react)

  • Oh, thank you for your enthusiasm. I’ll do my best to come up to your expectations.
  • Oh, I have to do my best to change your mood for the better. Why have you chosen this signal? Do you feel any agitation? What is the thing that worries you so much? (Ответы учащихся) I’ll try to be as helpful as I can.

Before we start it would be nice to learn at least smth about each other. Since your current topic in English is “Sport” I want you to introduce yourselves through your likes and dislikes in it. Let’s start with me.

I’m Arina Igorevna. I like sport though I’m rather lazy to do it. The only thing I exercise is jogging. But this happens very seldom, only when I try to keep to a diet and to lose some weight. As a risk taker I’d like to try skate boarding though it is dangerous, but very exciting. Take your turn, will you? (Учебный разговор «Цепочка»)

3. Развитие навыков чтения поиском информации. (7 мин.)

Thank you. So as we see, sport, like practice, makes our body perfect. People pay great tribute to sport by organizing different sport events. Which of them do you know?

(Students’ answers)

Yes, you are right. Olympic Games are considered to be the main sport event ever existed in the world. Once in four years sportsmen gather together to demonstrate their skill, achievements and to beat records. Olympic victories are similar to heroic ones. The Olympic movement is constantly in the process of self-perfection, though it has a lot of problems to solve. Some days ago I downloaded an interesting article from the Olympic website. There are some urgent ideas about the Olympic program. I desperately need your help. Will you help me? Take the copies of the article and try to scan it as soon as you can to point out the problem for our discussion .

Olympic Games

The Games have always brought people together in peace to respect universal moral principles.
The upcoming Games will feature athletes from all over the world and help promote the Olympic spirit.

The Olympic Committee declares an internet contest for all volunteers who regard the Olympic movement as an important international affair. We have to admit that the Olympic procedure suffers enormously from subjectivity in refereeing. Since the year of 2001 the Olympic Organizing Committee has been discussing the idea of exclusion of sport gymnastics, synchronized swimming and water jumping out of the program because of numerous complaints of participants and their coaches about corruption in refereeing. We suggest that urgent measures should be taken against it and new sports from the list of recognized could be brought in the Olympic program. We want to hear from you, your feedback is always important to us. The winner will get a personal invitation to the Olympic games in Sochi 2014.
Contact us with your projects and motions.
[email protected]

(Учащиеся получают статью для чтения и выделения основной идеи) – время чтения 2 минуты.

Контроль понимания прочитанного.

Who does the article appeal to?

Where does the problem come (follow) from?

What does the problem cause?

What ways of solving the problem does the article suggest?

4. Развитие и активизация навыков устной речи в группах сменного состава. (20 мин.)

Well, guys, I see no reason why we shouldn’t try to help. Do you agree? I think you are brainy and smart enough to cope with this work, aren’t you? But first of all, let’s discuss the criteria for admission of a sport discipline and event to be included in the program of the Olympic Games. For better and more fruitful work I think we have to divide into 3 groups. A group of three or four people is already a team. OK, the groups are ready. You’ve been united by chance, but God knows, may be it is the hand of fortune.

Here is a list of possible criteria among which we can choose the ones we consider to be the most important. Pick out four of them. That will be enough for our work. (Учащиеся получают список критериев отбора видов спорта). Well, guys, I give you 2 minutes to look them through and to make up your minds.


Only sports that conform to the following criteria can be included and remain in the Olympic program:

  1. that is widely practiced in at least 70 countries and three continents
  2. that adopts and implements the world anti-doping code
  3. that is safe enough for human’s life and doesn’t affect sportsmen’s health
  4. that can be spectacular enough
  5. that can provide objective refereeing by an evident victory
  6. that demands (or doesn’t demand) special equipment
  7. that involves a large number of individuals (in a team)
  8. that involves only individuals
  9. that contains a certain level of complication
  10. that (doesn’t) depend on weather or time limitations

Thank you very much. It’s a great job. So each team writes down the criteria you have chosen on these worksheets.

Now you will get the list of recognized kinds of sports and according to your criteria you have to choose the best corresponding sport to meet the demands of an Olympic sport. It will be your creative project. As soon as you are ready all of you will have to speak out to support your idea.


  1. Air sports
  2. Orienteering
  3. Billiard Sports
  4. Polo (a game played between two teams of players riding horses who use wooden hammers with long handles to hit a small hard ball in order to try to score goals)
  5. Bowling
  6. Power boating (boat race)
  7. Bridge
  8. Racquetball (a game similar to handball that is played on a 4-walled court with a short handled racket and a larger ball)
  9. Chess
  10. Roller Sports
  11. Dance Sport
  12. Rugby
  13. Squash (a singles or doubles game played in a four-wall court with a long-handled racket and a rubber ball that can be hit off any number of walls)
  14. Karate
  15. Surfing
  16. Life Saving
  17. Tug of War (a contest in which two teams pull against each other at opposite ends of a rope with the object of pulling the middle of the rope over a mark on the ground)
  18. Motorcycle Racing
  19. Underwater Sports
  20. Mountaineering and Climbing
  21. Water Skiing
  22. Bandy (Russian hockey with a ball)

By the way, do you know what recognized sports mean? They are not yet within the Olympic program but recognized as sports by the Olympic Committee, and on certain conditions they may become Olympic sports. And you have chosen these conditions right now.

As far as we are lack of time you have to present your projects in a nut shell. I think you will manage the work in three or four minutes. OK? (Учащиеся готовят проекты в течение отведённого времени). Let’s start our presentations. Who would like to be the first? Are there any volunteers?

Защита творческих проектов.

Домашнее задание . (2 минуты )

You proved to be very industrious and inventive. Do you think we can choose only one sport that best corresponds to all the requirements? I think it’s impossible. Because all your projects are unique. And only Olympic Committee has the right to decide. But such great work shouldn’t be done in vain. And your homework flows evidently from here. So my idea is: why not write a letter to the Olympic Committee and to share your ideas with it. God knows maybe you have the key to the answer. Here are the worksheets you can use to write an open letter. And here is an e-mail address of the Olympic Committee.

1st Оctober, 2008

[email protected]

Dear Sir or Madam or whoever reads this letter,


Yours faithfully,

5. Подведение итогов урока. (3 мин.)

Thank you very much for your work and cooperation.

  1. You were very quick witted.
  2. Your ideas were really bright.
  3. You, guys, proved to be real connoisseurs of sport.
  4. You spoke fluent enough.
  5. If your teacher doesn’t mind I would give you excellent marks. It was a pleasure interacting with you.

Oh, thank you. We’ve done a great job. I hope we’ve become a great bunch. And here are small souvenirs for you. I would like to thank everybody. And I leave you my heart.

Now, show me your flash signals! Would you like to say something? How did you contribute from the lesson? (Ответы учащихся при наличии времени). Have a nice day!


Подписи к слайдам:

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Подписи к слайдам:

Sport is one of the most popular pastimes all over the world.

Lots of people watch sports programmes on TV ……

Support their teams at stadiums and go in for different kinds of sport.

Some sports are common, others are not. It is difficult to find a person who has not heard about such team games as…

…football or basketball or such athletics as running and jumping.

with most childhood we consolidate its health an occupation by sport...the game of plays with friends , go in athletic schools and etc. The Sport surrounds us everywhere, on length of the lifes.

At the same time there are sports and games that are less common, for example…

motor races, rock climbing and parachute jumping are not to everyone’s taste.

Going in for sport gives you a lot of advantages. It gives you physical exercise, you spend a lot of time in the open air, you meet people who enjoy the same sport.

go in for sport!

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Подписи к слайдам:

The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are an international sports festival that began in ancient Greece.

In those days Greek games took place every four years.

They included not only sports competitions but also competitions in music, oratory and theatre performances.

The earliest information about the Olympic Games goes back to 776 BC, but historians think that the Games began long before that.

The ancient Olympic had only one athletic event - a footrace or a race for runners of about 183 metres.

During the Games there was peace in the country.

The winners of the Games became national heroes.

The Olympic Games are probably the most important international sports event.

Millions of people watch them, supporting their favorite teams and athletes.

Many things have changed but like in ancient times winners of the Olympics become national heroes in their countries.

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Чтобы пользоваться предварительным просмотром презентаций создайте себе аккаунт (учетную запись) Google и войдите в него.

  • The most popular and mass sport in Russia is football. Only in Russia in sections and clubs are doing 13 million 641 thousand people. It is noteworthy that in the world rating of leading athletics, and Russia in the first place is football. Anyway, the first three places are occupied by playing sports, although athletics – high fourth place. Highest achievement of Russian national team was in 2008, where she reached the semi-finals all of a sudden winning the Dutch team with the score 3:1. In 2018 Russia will host the world football championship where her chances to take a prize!!!
  • Самым популярным и массовым видом спорта в России является футбол. Всего в России в секциях и клубах занимаются 13 миллионов 641 тысячи человек. Примечательно, что в мировом рейтинге лидирует легкая атлетика, а у России на первом месте идет футбол. Да и вообще, первые три места занимают игровые виды спорта, хотя и легкая атлетика – на высоком четвертом месте. Высоким достижением сборной России был 2008 год, где она пробилась в полуфинал неожиданно для всех выиграв сборную Голландии со счётом 3:1. В 2018 году Россия примет чемпионат мира по футболу где у её не плохие шансы занять призовое место!!!

  • In the United States the most popular form is not basketball, and American football! He beat the popularity of baseball and basketball. Hockey there is also not a bad level, because there the most popular League in the world NHL, where participate the best players in the world.
  • В США самым популярным видом является не баскетбол, а американский футбол! Он побил по популярности бейсбол и баскетбол. Хоккей там тоже не на плохом уровне, поскольку там самый популярный чемпионат в мире НХЛ, где участвуют лучшие игроки в мире.

  • When you think of sports who is interested in France, what immediately comes to mind? Cycling, perhaps, with the Tour de France? Skiing, Alpine resorts, so beloved by the rich and famous? Fishing, maybe, in lakes, rivers and the sea, or perhaps it"s just a fun walk, which symbolize the most sporting of France for you. In France like in all Europe is football popular! Guided by the French football Federation, the French team took second place in the 2006 world Cup, and won the world Cup (as host country), in 1998. Unfortunately, along with their second place showing, the dispute is also part of the football reputation of France. During a match in 2006 world Cup player Zinedine Zidane head butted Italian player Marco Materazzi in the chest. Although this is true, the two players exchanged words, at that time, it was unclear what was said.

  • Sport in Canada consists of various games. Common are ice hockey , lacrosse , canadian football , basketball , soccer , Curling and baseball . All but Curling and soccer are considered domestic sports as they were either invented by Canadians or trace their roots in Canada.
  • Спорт в Канаде состоит из различных игр. Распространенными являются хоккей, лакросс, канадский футбол, баскетбол, футбол, керлинг и бейсбол. Все, кроме керлинга и футбола считается отечественного спорта, как они были либо изобретены канадцев или проследить свои корни в Канаде.

Sport in australia

  • As a nation, Australia has participated in many international events including the Olympic games and Paralympic games Commonwealth Games and sport specific events like the world Cup and the cricket world Cup . The country has a large number of national teams in such sports as Australian football , basketball, hockey, netball, Rugby, softball, water Polo and Rugby wheelchair. Netball is one of the sports most popular women in the country. Competitive disabled sport exists in Australia, the country with the national deaf women"s football (soccer) team, and competing in major events such as the summer and winter Paralympic games.
  • Как нация, Австралия участвовала во многих международных мероприятиях, включая Олимпийские игры и Паралимпийские игры Игры Содружества и спорта конкретные события, как Чемпионат мира по футболу и Кубок мира по крикету. В стране существует большое количество национальных команд в такие виды спорта как австралийский футбол, баскетбол, хоккей, нетбол, регби, софтбол, водное поло и регби инвалидной коляске. Нетбол является одним из спортивных самых популярных женщин в стране. Конкурентные инвалидов спорта существует в Австралии, стране, имеющей национальные глухой женский футбол (футбол) команды, и конкурируют в крупных событий, таких как летние и зимние Паралимпийские игры.